الأربعاء، 3 يناير 2018

المصور العراقي ( Taisir Mahdi - Iraq ) تيسير مهدي من العراق.. A World for All: Overcoming Disabilities

 A World for All: Overcoming Disabilities

The aim of this contest is to show the reality of people with some kind of disability. The photographer should show everyday situations, which are not so different from the rest of the people, and capture the lights and shadows of the people with a disability, regardless of the part of the world they live in. Each photographer is intended to express his/her own point of view about the disability, in order to get a sample of what the disability represents all over the world.
Galería de premiados – Winners gallery

Galería de finalistas – Gallery of finalists

Lista de finalistas por países – List of finalists by countries

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